Party for your rights

2 December 2013

Advertiser: Consumer Affairs Victoria

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Does educating consumers via gameplay work? That’s the aim for Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV) new campaign.

The overall goal for the online campaign is for the consumer to make it to the ultimate party level, answering multiple-choice problems.

“Party for your rights” game aim to educated youth between the age of 16-24yrs, hoping to inform young consumers of the options available.

MD of Bliss Media, Phong Ho said “We knew the most important thing when trying to reach an audience of 13-25 year olds was that the concept was something they could relate to. As they’re a very savvy audience, it had to be fun, and have a sense of humour, along with carrying a message. This is why the Party for Your Rights concept, and the early 90’s graphic style, works so well.”

The campaign will launch online today online.

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