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My best mate of 20+ years and I started The Shit Dad Podcast.
Opening and showing emotion isn’t something that comes easily or naturally.
Opening up the door to others is how we come to know each other and understand each other better.
I cry at least once a week.
I’ve got two young boys and I want them to grow up as respectful, kind and emotionally aware young men.
Honest, open, vulnerable, and real.
We need to gather momentum in supporting the number of men who have the courage to speak up.
We must continue to rally against traditional notions of masculinity and the unrealistic standards...
I became aware at school that it wasn’t the norm to be a guy and too emotional about things.
We need to model the behaviour.
The freedom for men to be vulnerable, to be soft, to talk about their feelings, to cry.
I think we should have a subject in school called "mental fitness".
The Hallway’s Simon Lee: " ... admitting my vulnerability and reaching out for help is one of the best...