SBS's Matt Campbell in surprise exit

By By Lucy Barbour | 5 July 2011
Matt Campbell.

SBS director of television and online content Matt Campbell is to depart the network this week to become managing director of Shine Australia and New Zealand.

Campbell started as head of programming at SBS seven years ago before being promoted to his current role in 2006. He is said to be leaving on amicable terms and is expected to depart SBS within the week.

Current business manager for television and online Rob Pegley will act in Campbell's position until a replacement is announced.  

SBS managing director Michael Ebeid said: "I’m disappointed to see Matt leave SBS after seven years and so much success but with his enviable track record of producing and acquiring great content for SBS, it’s not surprising a great offer to join Shine came his way.”

Campbell leaves SBS following his work on the recent ratings hit, Go Back To Where You Came From

He has previously worked across Australians, Immigration Nation and East West 101, as well as Mythbusters, Top Gear and local productions Rockwiz, Wilfred and Letters and Numbers.

Ebeid said: “SBS will undertake a national and international search for Matt’s replacement in coming months.”

Matt Campbell said that his departure was a “bittersweet” feeling but added "the opportunity to join Shine Australia is a terrific [one].

“I’m leaving one of the best jobs in the Australian television market...I leave behind an incredibly capable creative team and I look forward to continuing to work with SBS in my new role.”

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