What is Can't: CommBank 'Can' tell you

By By Wenlei Ma | 24 May 2012

Commonwealth Bank is the culprit behind the enigmatic 'Can't' campaign, with the bank believed to be turning the negative line into a positive brand positioning, 'Can', and CMO Andy Lark expected to host a series of briefings starting this evening with media execs.

AdNews has learned from several sources the banking giant is indeed responsible for the teaser campaign running since the weekend. One source confirmed the campaign has been developed by M&C Saatchi and will form Commonwealth Bank's new positioning, 'Can'.

Lark has declined to show his company's hand, telling AdNews: “Can't comment”.

The simple four letter word 'Can't' has been appearing on out-of-home sites over the weekend, including the high-profile Glebe Island Bridge billboard in Sydney. A hard-to-read (without pulling your car over) URL on the posters directed consumers to a website. Teaser video ads started to appear on the airwaves and in inboxes soon afterwards.

Rival banking brands have joined in the fun and hijacked 'Can't' on social media and in paid search results. Speculation about the identity of the 'Can't' brand has been swirling around CommBank since early this week.

The mystery will be officially over at a series of briefings beginning tonight. AdNews understands Lark will discuss the campaign with media executives this evening, while the press will be told tomorrow morning. But all information unveiled will be embargoed until Sunday.

Can a brand - especially a bank - spin a negative word now embedded in the public consciousness (at least for this week) into a positive message? Let us know in the comments below.

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