Free money: NAB channels 'Steal Banksy' with legal tender billboards

By Frank Chung | 26 November 2013

Want to make a quick $2,240? Then hop in your car and go for a drive. NAB has erected billboard-sized cheques around Sydney and Melbourne, and they're for the taking. Yes, they're legal tender. There are two in each city, and one has already been – wait for it – NAB-bed.

The stunt, which has shades of Art Series Hotels 'Steal Banksy' by Naked Communications (what is it with these light-fingered Melburnites?) is NAB's way of highlighting how much the average customer saves on its home loans compared with the other banks.

It's the latest from Clemenger BBDO Melbourne in the bank's 'More Give, Less Take' campaign. Twitter user @ReservoirDad found one of the billboards, sparking a debate over its authenticity. Asked whether the cheque is real, NAB responded, "It's not not real".

Update: Three of the cheques have now been taken down and cashed, with one remaining in Melbourne.

Update-er: All gone.

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