He’s the king of online retail in Australia but advertising agencies must think he is a massive prude. Kogan, who makes his fortunes (big enough to get him on the BRW Young Rich List) through selling cheap but reliable electronics and appliances online, doesn’t hire an advertising or media agency.
Instead, he does all of his publicity through internet marketing. At one stage in the company’s growth PR agency, PPR, was on the books but even that has gone to the wayside now.
He took on one of PPR’s experts internally and then backed him to create his own agency which now represents Kogan.
So why is he on a list of powerful people in the media, advertising and marketing industry? Because he is everywhere. He pushes himself onto TV, he challenges the norms and the people in the industry he doesn’t piss off (hello, Gerry Harvey) want to work with him. He’s also buddy-buddy with some high up adlanders.