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Industry players see the current dip in confidence soon reversing.
" ... incredibly strong demand for data analytics and engineering expertise."
What the acquisition really cost.
30 second spots went for at least $US6.5 million.
2021 financial year ad spend is 25% higher than SMI reported for the same five months ten years ago in...
Haydon Bray: "We have the same start-up mentality as Lyre’s."
Playing a football player who can’t get going.
“It is not clear … how shareholders and other stakeholders would benefit.”
A whole world outside fortress Australia.
Deputy chair Vin Murria is considering a "possible offer".
Reports suggest a price of $US1 billion.
Grant's CEO Alison Cameron is joining the HT&E board of directors.
Australian media monitoring now mostly controlled by offshore groups.
Consumption of digital media went through the roof.
How long will the economic miracle last?