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Takeovers Panel deciding punishment.
Grey hair is the exception.
Bench Media, Yahoo, iProspect, Publicis Media, Carat, LEGO, WooliesX, Nine, Snap.
"... we hope that there will be a recovery from the second half of next year.”
In advanced talks.
Not in the "best interest" of shareholders.
The One dentsu Operating Model.
Paid and free streaming entertainment into one access point.
Organic revenue fell 6% in the September quarter.
Sees itself as undervalued by the market.
Wired CVo, OMD, Taylor & Grace, Nestlé, Publicis Media Exchange, Ryvalmedia, Avid Collective.
Lining up for a piece of the action.
Australia dragged down by a strong US dollar.
Staff numbers down 4%, cost cutting continues.
A trading update at the media group's AGM.