Big things are brewing over at Foxtel’s advertising sales arm. Street talk has Fitzgerald & Co. ready to shake up TV buying with a game-changing deployment of Foxtel advertising into an automated trading exchange. It is said to be spooking a few rival broadcasters.
Despite a suppressed market, MCN remains one of the stand-out advertising growth hot spots, along with cinema, in the past two years – double-digit growth rates are almost the norm at MCN. Although making ground in TV, MCN’s takeover of Telstra’s online ad network now also makes it a top four player in the online display market.
Fitzgerald, a one-time Seven Network sales director, is viewed by media buyers as a leading light around addressable, trackable TV advertising and someone to be aligned with in the coming shake-up in digital video and IPTV. MCN will slipstream Foxtel in delivering content to lots of devices, with the ability to measure it.
Fitzgerald has proven highly effective since splitting from free-to-air TV and more is to come. Watch in coming months.