If content rules, Angus Ross is up there. He’s the new Tim Worner. We’ve put him near the top of our collection of creative and content players for a reason.
Ross might be a little under the pump at present with Nine hot on his heels in the ratings but since taking over after Worner’s elevation last year to Network Seven chief executive – Worner has since moved on again as already tabled in this report – Ross’ results have been rather enviable.
Just how far Worner is from decision-making on Seven’s programming is unclear but Ross has charge of one the most powerful content-creation factories in Australia.
If advertisers and media buyers still need mass audiences on TV and across other devices and platforms, Ross is the man they should be getting to know. Or know of. Seven’s advantage is the rights it has over its properties.
Top-rating dramas like Packed to the Rafters are in-house productions, affording it opportunities rival networks don’t yet have at scale.