Young Guns: Tahlia Namana at Paramount ANZ

By AdNews | 29 August 2024

In this series, AdNews spotlights young talent in the Australian media, marketing and advertising sector. This time it's Paramount ANZ account manager Tahlia Namana.

Time in current role/time at the company:

My current role is account manager at Paramount Melbourne. I have been in this role for one and a half years.

How long have you been in the industry?

This is my very first role in the media industry so, about two and a half years. I joined the Paramount team in Melbourne in 2022 as an account executive and was promoted to account manager at the very end of 2022.

How did you get here? Was this always the plan?

Media wasn’t even on the radar for me, to be honest. In university I studied a double degree in Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Visual Communication with the aim to work towards a creative career in marketing, specifically within the beauty industry. However, after a few bad experiences in that industry, I reconsidered what I value in a business and if what I was doing was really for me. After much deliberation, I decided that I needed to try something completely new, so I made the leap over to TV and never looked back!

Who is your right-hand person/who guides you day to day?

I’m super lucky that I have been able to work alongside Jessica Dorbolo. Jess has been my number one and a true sounding board for my day-to-day operations and my personal life as well. Jess encourages me to be independent and her continuous support has given me the confidence in my own abilities. For that, I am super grateful.

What’s the best thing about the industry you work in?

As many have said before me, the best thing about this industry is all the people and connections you make along the way. You truly meet and interact with some of the greatest people on a day-to-day basis which makes everything so easy and enjoyable.

And the biggest challenge?

The biggest challenge for me, especially being relatively new to the industry, is keeping up with the media landscape and how quickly it evolves. Having the ability to keep your finger on the pulse is such an advantage and something I am continuously working on.

Whose job have you set your sights on in the future?

I’m a MasterChef Australia superfan, so watch out Andy Allen.

Where do you turn for inspiration?

I am constantly seeking inspiration from my team and clients I work with; they truly inspire me to better myself and further my knowledge.

Tell us one thing people at work don’t know about you?

I can play both the violin and piano.

In five years time, I'll be:

Hopefully on a holiday somewhere warm! However, professionally I’d like to think I’ll be in a leadership position within the business.

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