Young Guns: Amanda Bodagh at iProspect

By AdNews | 13 June 2024

In this series, AdNews spotlights young talent in the Australian media, marketing and advertising sector. This time it's iProspect investment manager Amanda Bodagh.

Time in current role/time at company: 

One and a half years in my role and at iProspect.

How long have you been in the industry?

Almost eight years.

How did you get here? Was this always the plan? 

Marketing was the initial plan many moons ago, however advertising was a discovery in the early stages of my career. While I was studying, I helped a friends’ fashion retail company with their digital marketing. After I graduated, I landed a job as a marketing assistant for a medical company which I did not love (but that is a different story). My friend from uni was working at Seven Affiliate Sales at the time and recommended media, so I applied to a bunch of media jobs and landed a TV buyer role. Fast forward a few years, I became interested in moving into solely investment, and with the help of a couple of media friends, I was lucky enough to score this job!

Who is your right-hand who guides you day to day? 

Vera Manalac and Nicola Barnes (and a special shout out to Ken Lam). I’m so lucky to have such knowledgeable, inspirational, strong and supportive directors to guide me through this role.

What’s the best thing about the industry you work in?

The relationships that come with this job. A lot of our jobs involve relationship building and with that comes some special lifelong friendships in the process!

And the biggest challenge?

The volatility in the market due to the current economic climate. Inflation is impacting media costs and the way we trade, so it is becoming challenging in predicting inventory, cost, and performance across most channels.

Whose job have you set your sight on in the future?

Investment is my calling, so watch out Ken Lam (national head of investment at iProspect).

Where do you turn for inspiration?

I get inspiration from the people around me, including my best friends, family, directors, and mentors. I also get a lot of inspo from TikTok creators, movies and TV now that I think about it, when it comes to anything art-related (fashion, food, music).

Tell us one thing people at work don’t know about you:

 I don’t think many people know I am bi-lingual! I can speak my native language Chaldean.

In five years’, time I’ll be: 

Hopefully in love, happy, financially secure and healthy!

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