WPP's super PR group Burson officially takes off

By AdNews | 14 June 2024

WPP's super global communications group, Burson, the combination of Hill & Knowlton and BCW, has officially launched. 

The merger is part of the world’s biggest advertising group's transformation program, seeking £600 million in annual cost savings against a 2019 base by 2025.

Public relations represents about 10% of WPP’s business.

Burson (named after the late Harold Burson, a pioneer of modern public relations) is reported to be the world's biggest PR outfit with more than 6,000 employees in 43 markets.

“Businesses and organisations are operating in a constant state of complexity and uncertainty, marked by rapid advancements in technology, economic volatility, wide-ranging activism, and social and geopolitical turbulence,” said Corey duBrowa, global CEO.

“A strong reputation grounded in action, communicated clearly and creatively, and deployed as capital across stakeholders will enable clients to succeed in this environment.

"Reputation is a company’s most valuable asset for enhancing perception and growing performance, preference, valuation, and return.”

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