TV advertising lifts 0.5% after difficult 2020

Mariam Cheik-Hussein
By Mariam Cheik-Hussein | 8 February 2021

The total TV market, which includes free-to-air, subscription and BVOD, is starting to recover from the depths of the pandemic fallout, with revenue up 0.5% year-on-year for the second half of 2020.

According to the figures from ThinkTV, the entire TV market, which excludes SBS, reached $1.96 billion for the six months to December 2020. For the full year, revenue was down 10.7% to $3.45 billion.

“The effect of the pandemic was felt keenly in the September quarter before the TV market finished the calendar year on a very promising note,” says ThinkTV CEO Kim Portrate.

“Despite COVID-led market volatility, TV has, and continues to, play a pivotal role in communicating brand messages at scale driving business results in both the short and the long term for advertisers.

“Advertiser support for TV remains strong because brands know TV delivers the impact needed to drive growth.”

Metro TV was up 0.6% in the six months to December 2020 to $1.33 billion, and down 10.5% to $2.34 billion.

Meanwhile BVOD was up 52.7% to $1.33 million for the six months to December, and up 40% to $2.16 million for the calendar year.

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