Top 10 videos and creators on TikTok in Australia

Mariam Cheik-Hussein
By Mariam Cheik-Hussein | 3 December 2020
TikTok out-of-home display

TikTok’s popularity surged around the world this year as people in lockdown turned to the app to entertain themselves.

The success of the app, which opened its Australian office in June, was noted by the big social media players who rolled out their own features to take on TikTok. Instagram launched its Reels tool, and more recently, Snapchat rolled out Spotlight.

While TikTok doesn’t release its user numbers, according to Roy Morgan data there are nearly 2.5 million Austaralians using the short-form video app in an average four weeks, equivalent to 10.5% of the population aged 6 or older.

Now, TikTok has released its top 10 videos and creators across various categories to showcase what attracted local users to the app throughout the year.

"While things have been tough in many ways, Australians have joined people from around the globe to share their experiences, find some light relief, have fun and come together on TikTok,” says Lee Hunter, TikTok AUNZ general manager.

“We're overjoyed to have been part of this amazing community and to see Australian creators bringing happiness and inspiration to people all over the world.”

1. The global TikTok videos Australians loved in 2020  


2. Locally-made TikTok videos that went viral around the world 


3. The rising Australian stars of TikTok in 2020 


4. Viral trends in Australia  


5. Australian fashion and beauty creators who went viral around the world 

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