The WFH Diaries - Michael Stephenson of Nine

Chris Pash
By Chris Pash | 2 August 2021
Michael Stephenson at home.

AdNews last year launched the WFH Diaries during the depths of the fallout from the pandemic, a way of sharing how people were spending their days.

This time we're asking for a run down on how everyone likes to start their day working from home. Some dress to impress, others slip on the t-shirt.

And everyone has their own way to carve the day into manageable chunks.

Michael Stephenson, chief sales officer, Nine Entertainment: 

Anyone who knows me knows that I love being around people. I love the energy of the team, the banter, the ideas that come from collaboration and the positive competition that’s inherent in a high performance sales team. That’s what gets me up in the morning.

So, stating the obvious lockdowns are hard. But I’m proud of how our team are connecting and collaborating and adapting to news ways of working.

What’s my routine been like?

My usual early morning exercise has been replaced with an early morning walk. I put my air pods in and spend an hour listening to a podcast (invariably something media related). I never thought I would enjoy walking so much! It clears my head, and gives me time to think.

Coffee, shower, jeans and trainers (bit different my navy suit), make sure my four boys have all logged into their first lesson, commute from the kitchen to my home office and we’re off. Things have changed a lot.

Anything can happen in a day and often it does. Today starts with a client presentation which I think went well. I’ll follow up with them in a few days’ time.

Then it’s a radio opportunity. One of the parts of my job I love is that no day is the same. A great conversation with one of our direct radio clients about how they are adapting and finding new revenue streams.

Very quick lunch, a team meeting to check in with everyone and then a Powered hack for an upcoming pitch. Lockdowns have created new client opportunities which I love.

Finally a research meeting where I see the results of our ‘super consumer’ research study. Amazing. The older we get the more money we spend (on everything!)

Productive day but I would still rather be in our office with everyone around. 

What am learning from Lockdown 2.0?

The upside is, all of this has made me slow down and appreciate the things that are really important. It’s also made me realise how much online shopping happens at my house!

On the downside, I miss our team, the connection, the creativity, our office, face to face meetings and I miss the banter!

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