The WFH Diaries - Lauren Joyce at ARN

Chris Pash
By Chris Pash | 3 September 2021
Lauren Joyce at home.

AdNews last year launched the WFH Diaries during the depths of the fallout from the pandemic, a way of sharing how people managed their days.

This time, with lockdown running again, we're asking for a run down on how everyone likes to start their day working from home. Some dress to impress, others slip on the t-shirt. And everyone has their own way to carve the day into manageable chunks.

Lauren Joyce, ARN’s Chief Strategy & Connections Officer:

My alarm typically goes off at 5:20. I am a morning person but if I don’t beat the kids to waking up, I lose my chance to capitalise on my morning brain because they con me into playing before work.

I try to get straight out of bed. If I snooze, I can say goodbye to any productivity. I head straight into the bathroom to get ready for the day. Like when I’m working in the office, I get my clothes ready the night before for the next day - this saves me from creeping around and potentially waking my husband & kids (see point 1!).

At the start of lockdown I didn’t bother too much with makeup but, as superficial as this sounds, spending up to 10 hours a day staring at my own face on Teams calls was getting me down. I started to see every physical flaw and frankly, felt a bit sh*t so now I do my makeup like I’m going to the office and I feel so much better.

Tips for getting through the day?

1. Work when it works for you. 5am starts don’t suit everyone but it’s when I’m most productive and it sets me up for the day.

2. Be strict on meeting times. Just because you don’t have to walk across the building to a different meeting room, doesn’t mean you should let the meeting bleed into your five minutes to ‘get a cup of tea’ or ‘get some fresh air’.

3. Be vulnerable. As a leader I try to be as transparent and honest with my team as possible. Like everyone, I have bad days and I prefer to tell them when I am, rather than mask it.


The kids and my husband. This is a double edged sword. On one hand I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to spend more time with my tiny humans than I ever would be if not for lockdown. They’re also an incredible endorphin boost after a tough meeting – a quick cuddle and I’m good to go again! On the other hand when they’re desperate to show you how their My Little Pony has grown magical wings or their Hot Wheels truck can do a mega-awesome-epic-loop-to-loop flip and you have a board member on the other end of the line, it can be tough.

I also get distracted by online shopping. I get click baited by the 50% off subject line and can lose my way for a chunk of time, although I’m curbing this temptation!

Upside – no commute
Downside – no commute

I love not having to drive into the office, deal with traffic or shift the goal posts for my family on what time I’ll get home but I also really miss not having any time to myself. The hour to and from work was my only real ‘me’ time, when I could listen to podcasts uninterrupted and not have to deal with the chaos of everyone else’s demands. So now the ten steps between my office and my home means the switch between work brain and home brain needs to happen more quickly.

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