The WFH Diaries - Jeremy Bolt of Hearts & Science

Chris Pash
By Chris Pash | 22 July 2021
Jeremy Bolt at home.

AdNews last year launched the WFH Diaries during the depths of the fallout from the pandemic, a way of sharing how people were spending their days.

This time we're asking for a run down on how everyone likes to start their day working from home. Some dress to impress, others slip on the t-shirt.  And everyone has their own way to carve the day into manageable chunks.

Jeremy Bolt, CEO, Hearts & Science: 

“I start the day with exercise, and not just any exercise. High intensity when stressed, a walk when I need to think or solve a problem. Shower, no shaving and back into activewear, an appropriate top for calls and my uggs allowing a quick change for short walks throughout the day. Not walking around the office, to the café, or to meetings needs to be replaced somehow.

“My biggest distraction is online shopping deliveries. My wife is on constant Zoom calls and cannot hear the doorbell from her home office. She is also a prolific online shopper. This combination is not ideal. Suggestions welcome on how best to manage this, I have tried the 'maybe less shopping' suggestion and had to run for my life, but did stay within 10km of the house.

"To break up the day and the week I do a home gym session three times a week called TTGR (This stands for Time To Get Ripped) and that ambition is failing badly to date. The goal is to do a calendar of participants with no shirts on, but it is definitely a longterm ambition, the only person with abs is Ed, our trainer and a mate who is actually “ripped”. This allows a 45 min window three times a week to chat with a good bunch of mates while doing exercise and in a strange way sets some structure to the week.

"Finally, I think a key tip is breaking up the day in the evening or it just drifts and the next thing is it's 7:30, no break, kids are hungry and the potential for a shit show reaches its peak. I try to ensure we break as a family to discuss the day, prepare dinner and then chat over dinner, or at least the start of dinner before everyone disappears again. No sitting around and watching the same TV show in our house."

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