Seven turns Australian Federal Police apology over Schapelle-gate into show spruik

By AdNews | 22 August 2014
Seven Network chairman, Kerry Stokes.

Seven West Media has not only received a written apology from the Australian Federal Police for its February raids in light of the Schapelle Corby debacle, but turned it into a promotional material for its Border Patrol series.

Chairman Kerry Stokes, who seems to have a knack for media, graciously welcomed the “unreserved” apology from Commissioner Negus for “unnecessary reputational damage to Seven”. The Commissioner wrote yesterday to confirm:

“For the record, neither Seven, nor its employees, officers or lawyers, were ever suspected of a criminal offence, nor were they the subject of any criminal investigation in connection with the Corby matter, which was solely a literary proceeds matter seeking to recover any payments made o a convicted person. Similarly, the AFP acknowledges that Seven fully cooperated with the investigation.”

In response, Mr Stokes issued a statement noting the broadcaster and the AFP's close ties.

“We appreciate the extensive apology from the Australian Federal Police for the incident that occurred in February this year,” he said.

“At Seven, we understand fully that from time to time mistakes are made and this acknowledgement adds to the recognition and respect we have for the 6,000 members of the AFP who dedicate their lives to protecting Australia.

“No better example of that can be found in the recent Ukraine crisis when not only was the AFP instantly there when needed but totally prepared to put their own lives at risk and to enter a war zone unarmed. These actions typify the reason that we at Seven continue to respect our friends at the AFP.

“We look forward to continuing to work with them and where possible assist them in their important tasks," said Stokes. "And underlining that excellent relationship is Border Security, our award-winning hard-edged real life documentary series which continues to go from strength to strength in its twelfth series, highlighting these areas of contemporary relevance for all Australians."

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