REGISTER NOW: Optus, Afterpay, Tourism Australia, Menulog and NAB reveal plans to tackle cookie demise

By AdNews | 5 October 2021

Australia’s biggest brands, agencies and suppliers are set to discuss one of the most fundamental changes to marketing in recent years. 

‘2023: The Second Bite Of The Cookie’ will launch as a free webinar series produced by AdNews, running from November 8 to 11.

You can register for the free event here.

Curated and hosted by AdNews publisher Assia Benmedjdoub, it will investigate how the industry is addressing current privacy provisions as well as preparations for Google’s extended cookie sunset in 2023.

The event will feature presentations from Google Australia’s marketing platform director Barney Pierce, Optus director of acquisition and customer marketing Angela Greenwood and a joint presentation from Mindshare and NAB senior manager of media personalisation, innovation, enablement and transformation Christoff Botha.

These sessions will be reinforced with a panel discussion featuring Australia’s top brand experts, including Afterpay director of customer growth Charlie Short, Menulog CMO Simon Cheng and Tourism Australia GM of digital, technology and data Paul Bailey.

AdNews publisher Assia Benmedjdoub said the webinar aims to equip media, marketing and advertising professionals with insights ahead of the 2023 deadline.

“The industry is currently navigating a number of significant changes to privacy regulations and identity solutions, making the year ahead a vital time to improve strategies for a post-cookie world.”

The webinar will unveil additional speakers shortly, including a lineup of agency experts and suppliers.

AdNews would like to thank the event’s supporting partners Alpha Digital, Amobee, Foxtel Media and The Trade Desk as well as associate partners Foxcatcher and Tv Squared.

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