PHOTOS - All the action at Brandcast

By AdNews | 13 September 2024

More than 600 advertisers and marketers gathered for YouTube's Brandcast event at the Hordern Pavilion in Sydney.

Media agencies told AdNews that while its hard for the tech giant to innovate in its space, they were impressed with some interesting research, product announcements and the nights entertainment. 

Creators including Michelle Khare (4.7 million subscribers), and Nick and Carrie (9 million subscribers) spoke about their approach to engaging audiences on YouTube.

Entertainment at Brandcast was provided by NZ musical event production company SYNTHONY and a special performance by G Flip.

SYNTHONY performed global dance tracks with support from a full 60-piece orchestra, DJs and vocalists.

Google Australia managing director Mel Silva said on stage when you put YouTube at the heart of a media plan and really start to dig deeper into what it can do, YouTube can do incredible things for a brand.

"You can put the focus back on storytelling, long or short. You can put your message in front of millions of people, who are positively engaged more often than they are on any other platform," Silva said

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