oOh!media's laser focus on winning growth

By AdNews | 5 September 2024
Cathy O'connor.

oOh!media, in its smooth annual pitch to media agencies and brands, unveiled its latest contract wins and product enhancements with a razor-like focus on effective advertising.

The Outfront ‘25 event presented with clarity of purpose and energy, a call to make public spaces better and brands unmissable.

A brand campaign, to display on outdoor and via industry trade media, positions oOh! As the force "Behind Every Great Brand". 

The chant is: Unmissable, Unblockable, Unskippable, Unstoppable.

Contract wins revealed -- Waverley Council, Northern Beaches and Eastlink -- give the company an expanded valuable portfolio of billboards in high earning suburbs.

“oOh!’s recent success in securing major tender wins and expansion of the oOh!media network across the country further cements our status as Australia’s #1 OOH company,” said CEO Cathy O’Connor.

“It’s a testament to our relentless focus on innovation, scale, and delivering unparalleled value for brands.” 

oOh!media’s latest results showed it behind the industry average for growth, reporting a 3% fall in revenue to $288.3 million for the half year to June.

The outdoor media specialist is doing what it promised when releasing its results, taking “decisive action” to address revenue performance and regain market share.

At its Outfront ‘25 event, the company revealed a renewed focus on retail media, a deep and growing mine of revenue to prospect. 

oOh!media is expanding its emerging retail media division to capture a bigger share of the fast growing category, rebranding its retail media arm to reo, from reooh reflecting a shift from an in-store screens focus, to a full omnichannel digital offering.

This will include sales representation of retailers' assets across stores, websites, apps and off-platform channels such as Meta, Google and oOh!media.

With the pitch pointing to “outcomes,” some speculated whether oOh! Would become the first OOH vendor to move to outcome-based trading.

As Daniel Cutrone - managing partner, media - Avenue C, said later, this was “a move which many advertisers would be eager to explore and activate within this current market”.

oOh! presented with five mega trends: the power of scale and your “campaign dollars go further with the biggest reach,”  the rise of retail media, fragmentation of audiences, AI revolution, and a the shift to outcomes. 

“We're going to continue to pioneer industry leading results and data to prove effectiveness in out-of-home as Australia's number one out-of-home company,” said O’Connor.

“We're proud of this leading position, and we are really focused on remaining the company that is behind every great brand in the year ahead. 

“And we know we're only here because you trust us to deliver for your campaigns and your clients, and we're very focused on continuing to deliver in a year ahead.”

The company also unveiled dual full-motion large format displays with synchronised 3D capabilities.

The 3 x 5 metre screens are at Martin Place Retail Precinct, one of Sydney’s busiest travel and retail hubs.

The launch, announced at Outfront ‘25, follows the success of oOh!’s 3D Anamorphic display The Bourke in Melbourne.

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