OOH advertising revenue growth above expectations in the June quarter

By AdNews | 11 July 2024
Credit: Alrizki Marino via Unsplash

Advertising revenue in outdoor media exceeded expectations in the June quarter, rising 6.7% to $305.4 million, up from $286.2 million for the same three months in 2023.

Digital OOH (DOOH) revenue made up 74.4% of total net media revenue year-to-date, up from 71.9%.

Outdoor media has been a stand out, defying the current tough advertising market. Guideline's SMI (Standard Media Index) numbers for May show outdoor bookings up 1.6%, compared to an overall 5.3% fall. 

"The ongoing growth ... underscores its robust and agile nature, driving towards the projected annual compound growth rate," said OMA CEO Elizabeth McIntyre.

"Our industry campaign for ANZAC day engaged 10.1 million Australians across 9,000 screens with a donated media value of $4.6 million, highlighting the effectiveness of OOH.

"Marketing via the out-of-home (OOH) channel continues to demonstrate significant effectiveness in reaching and engaging audiences. This visibility ensures that messages are seen by a broad and diverse audience, enhancing brand awareness and recall." 


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