‘On the Farm' digital TV network launches 

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 3 November 2022
Federico Respini via Unsplash.

KG2 and Engage TV have partnered to launch a digital ‘On the Farm’ network (onthefarm.tv) to deliver dedicated and relevant information to farmers through their mobile, desktop devices and TV screens within the households on the farms.

The KG2 and EngageTV digital network partnership is the first of its kind to unite farm type and size data, with digital communication to deliver specific content to every farmer’s mobile device, and any other screens viewed in a selected region. 

The KG2 and EngageTV digital device offering will reach over 95% of Australian farms across a range of sectors from grain, dairy and livestock, cotton and sugar cane to mixed production. The offering segments communication to farm size across Australia, from 0-500 hectares to those farms greater than 2000 hectares.

Engaging with over 2,000 farmers each month, KG2 continues to source current insights around fertilizer and chemical usage, stored grain, biosecurity measures, to nutritional feed inputs and carbon farming and more. 

KG2 aims to support the management and production for both farmers and agribusiness, using a patented technology that segments farmers by type and size of farm, providing a uniquely targeted way of engaging with farmers. 

Through EngageTV’s hyper targeting, combined with KG2’s deep farm activity data across over 205,000 farms, advertisers are able to target farms and farm workers based on actual activities and events on the farm at any given time. 

Lee Stephens, CEO of EngageTV said, “Since the outset we knew that ConnectedTV will offer unique benefits to rural and regional Australia. We are delighted to have exclusive digital access to KG2’s deep knowledge of farms, farmers and their communities.”

Adam McNeil, CEO of KG2 added: “Our partnership with EngageTV highlights our commitment in connecting agribusinesses to Australian farmers using innovative technology and approaches. With KG2’s ability to segment Australian farms into type and size along with production stage, weather conditions and location, we have a unique opportunity to provide information that impacts farmers day-to -day.  

 “Our KG2 and EngageTV network will give agribusiness greater reason to reach the digital back pockets of our Australian farmers with information, resources and opportunities that will help and support their future in farming.”

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