Olia Krivtchoun appointed Spark Foundry chief client services officer

By AdNews | 17 June 2024
Olia Krivtchoun.

Spark Foundry Australia has named Olia Krivtchoun to the newly created role of chief client services officer.

Krivtchoun will join the executive leadership team. She will be focused on further fostering inter-disciplinary connection across the agency in strategy, planning, analytics, investment, performance, data and technology.

She will also be responsible for leading and mentoring a team of 120 client integration specialists to further enhance the quality of service and foster long-term relationships with client partners.

Krivtchoun joins Spark Foundry Australia with more than 16 years’ experience in client-facing roles, having worked in leadership positions across Publicis Groupe ANZ for over eight years. Most recently, she was employed as a GM for a suit of connected clients at Publicis Groupe ANZ.

Spark Foundry Australia CEO, Matthew Turl, said Krivtchoun is a remarkable talent and a highly regarded team leader who brings to the agency extensive experience across major and complex industry sectors both globally and locally.

"As a practitioner, she has developed a view across the full consumer ecosystem, which will be invaluable to how we service our clients in a holistic way," he said.

“We are excited to have Olia join our team and work hand-in-hand with our senior client leaders to build and execute strong growth plans designed to exceed our clients’ business objectives.”

Krivtchoun said she has tremendous respect for the Spark Foundry Australia leadership team, many of whom have had a long tenure with the agency and are directly responsible for the positive trajectory of the business.

"I am excited to work with some of the best talent in the industry to build on the strengths of the teams and further elevate Spark Foundry’s unique offering for its diverse portfolio of clients," she said.

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