Nielsen rolls out VOZ measurement

By AdNews | 12 December 2023
Alicia Olson-Keating

Nielsen has launched its Virtual Australia (VOZ) measurement solution, a reporting platform for Australia’s Total TV reporting standard.

VOZ blends broadcaster viewing data from conventional TV sets with connected devices, such as smart TVs, computers, tablets and smartphones.

The eTAM VOZ Visual Schedule Builder VSB integration facilitates comprehensive cross-screen planning and reporting for the Australian television industry, improving measurement and evaluation of viewing audiences.

An addition to eTAM software, eTAM VOZ VSB is now fully accredited for Reach and Frequency data across Metropolitan Broadcast via the industry-endorsed OzTAM Gold Standard, with national accreditation expected soon.

Nielsen Television Audience Measurement TAM MD Alicia Olson-Keating said Nielsen clients will be able to carry out comprehensive National Broadcast campaign analysis and eTAM VOZ VSB’s report feature will also deliver spot-level analysis, which is crucial for the delivery of comprehensive and accurate campaign Reach and Frequency insights.

"VSB is fully flexible reporting, which is a feature where we are able to lead and develop a unique proposition in the market," she said.

"Being able to deliver the valuable VOZ data to our partners has taken considerable work, but it’s satisfying and also exciting to see Nielsen’s software helping the market transition to VOZ as the total TV currency.

"Our subscribing advertisers, broadcasters, and clients can now access this accredited and industry-approved solution, which moves the whole industry another step closer to the holy grail of a single measurement standard for total TV and cross-platform measurement.”

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