Natalie Barr replaces Samantha Armytage on Sunrise

Mariam Cheik-Hussein
By Mariam Cheik-Hussein | 15 March 2021

Natalie Barr has been named cohost of Seven’s Sunrise after the departure of Samantha Armytage last week.

Barr has been working at the morning show for more than 17 years since she joined as a news presenter in 2003.

Barr joins David Koch as cohost, along with the rest of the news team; Mark Beretta, Edwina Bartholomew and weatherman Sam Mac from today.

“Sunrise has been my work family for 18 years and while I’ve absolutely loved my role as newsreader, I’ve now been given the chance to move half a metre along the desk closer to Kochie and give something new a try,” Barr told Seven news.

“I like to think of it as same same but different.”

Barr’s appointment comes after Armytage stepped down as cohost last week after eight years in the role. Armytage said she was leaving Sunrise to “calm things down”.

“As many of you know, the last six months of my personal life have been very bitter-sweet, some bits have been very happy, and some bits have been very, very sad,” Armytage said at the time of leaving.

“And I want to step out of this public world for a while and take some time and calm things down, enjoy a bit of slow living and spend some time with my precious family, my husband and Banjo.

“I go out of this job at a time of my own choosing and on top of the ratings, which not many people on television can say they do.”

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