Meet the NGEN Award Finalists – Jasmyn Dawkins 

6 September 2024
Jasmyn Dawkins.

The MFA’s NGEN Award gives media agency executives with less than five years’ experience the opportunity to create positive impact by using their core skills: strategic thinking, creativity, storytelling and media execution expertise. NGENers were this year invited to respond to a brief for Dress for Success NSW & ACT, with a campaign objective of increasing client numbers across all of the organisation’s services.  

AdNews presents, Meet the NGEN Award Finalists: Jasmyn Dawkins, Senior Investment Executive at Initiative 

How long have you been in the industry? 
I’ve been in the industry for 3.5 years. 
What attracted you to working in a media agency? Was this always the plan? 

As a film student at university, I had literally no idea what a media agency was. I stumbled in the door through an internship, and never left! 

What were your greatest lessons from the experience of entering the NGEN Award? 
As a solo entrant, for me, it was about understanding that no one else is going to push you to do it. You really have to find the motivation and drive to do it yourself, for your own personal goals.  

The presentation was also a unique experience – can’t say I’ve ever had four hours of notice for something so important! But it taught me that if you know your stuff, you’re always ready to go.  
What’s the best thing about the industry you work in? 

Definitely the people – there’s some crazy-talented people in this industry and I have so much to learn from them. 
What does the MFA industry purpose of We Are The Changers mean to you? 

While sometimes it’s easy to forget, it’s a reminder that everything we do in our roles makes a change in the world. Whether that’s something big or just something small – our industry motto infuses our day to day with purpose and reminds us of the collective impact we have.  
From your experience of the industry so far, which skills do you think are most valuable for now and for the future? 

The best part of being in an agency is picking up skills in all different domains and disciplines.  

With an ever-changing and dynamic day to day, you never know when you’ll need to draw on a particular skill or knowledge piece, but they’re always in the back pocket ready to go. 


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