Meet the NGEN Award Finalists – Caitlin Watters & Kate Brown

3 September 2024
Caitlin Watters and Kate Brown.

The MFA’s NGEN Award gives media agency executives with less than five years’ experience the opportunity to create positive impact by using their core skills: strategic thinking, creativity, storytelling and media execution expertise. NGENers were this year invited to respond to a brief for Dress for Success NSW & ACT, with a campaign objective of increasing client numbers across all of the organisation’s services. 

AdNews presents, Meet the NGEN Award Finalists: Caitlin Watters, Partnerships Trader, and Kate Brown, Creative Connections Planner,at UM

How long have you been in the industry?
I am coming up to 2 years, it has flown by so quickly!
Almost bang on 3.5 years!

What attracted you to working in a media agency? Was this always the plan?
Truthfully, my best friend from university was the one to convert me. While I didn't always envisage myself in a media agency, the opportunity to connect brands with their target audiences through innovative campaigns was too compelling to resist.
I had an ‘introduction to advertising’ unit in my first year of university! Once I’d been exposed to land of media agencies, I knew it was exactly where I wanted to end up! I had immediately been drawn to the creativity the industry offers. 

What were your greatest lessons from the experience of entering the NGEN Award?
As a duo, we learnt the value of playing to our individual strengths to maximise our output. This was particularly helpful on NGEN Award Day when we were called to present with a four-hour turnaround.
Two minds are better than one. We were able to leverage our respective crafts and challenge each other’s thinking. 

What’s the best thing about the industry you work in?
Honestly, the best thing is being involved in culture and seeing how media can amplify voices and spark conversations. It’s exciting to be a part of something that can truly make a difference.
The people! I feel incredibly privileged to work alongside passionate peers and committed colleagues. I am inspired by them everyday!

What does the MFA industry purpose of ‘We Are The Changers’ mean to you?
To me it’s about using our creativity and skills to generate conversations and inspire people to act.
I believe We Are The Changers references our industry’s innate desire to do better. We are constantly seeking out new ways to meaningfully engage audiences.

From your experience of the industry so far, which skills do you think are most valuable for now and for the future?
I think it’s a topical question considering the rise of AI and how dynamic our industry is. Adaptability and agility are definitely the most valuable skills. The media landscape is constantly changing, so being able to adapt and learn new skills quickly is vital. It is the foundation for strong communication and collaboration. 
I’d argue that people skills will forever remain invaluable to our industry. Building strong relationships with clients, colleagues, and media partners ensures smooth execution, effective communication, and ultimately, successful campaigns.

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