Media jobs fall 9% in June but sales roles still in demand

By AdNews | 8 July 2024
Advertised media industry jobs in Sydney and Melbourne dropped 9.44% to 374 in June from 413 in May, according to the latest research from media recruitment firm, Mercury Talent.
The latest number is 11% off the peak of 420 jobs three months ago in March.
Mercury Talent tracks advertised content, sales, product and marketing roles from publishers, broadcasters, R/OOH firms and tech platforms in Sydney and Melbourne.
"The negative headlines we've all seen over the past six months are coming to fruition in the form of redundancies and reduced hiring across the industry," said Mercury Talent director, Justin Randles. "It's tough out there for jobseekers."
Advertised positions in Sydney, the country's biggest media market, fell more than 12% to 288 in June from 329 in May, with product/production jobs hit hard, dropping just under 30% from 97 to 68 month-on-month.
Content roles also took a beating, falling 18%. Marketing/comms roles were down 7%.
Sales roles were resilient, rising 2% month-on-month to 122 in June, on top of a 10% increase in May.
The media jobs market in Melbourne fared better in June, only dropping 1% month-on-month overall. 
The number of product and production roles jumped 47% to 28 from 19.
Sales roles at 52 and marketing/comms at 11 were both flat.
However, content roles fell more than 41% to 14, way off the current year high of 37 in April.
Overall, the media industry continues to demand junior sub-$100,000 positions with over half the advertised jobs in this category in June.
Mid-level manager roles accounted for 41% of advertised jobs while 8% of job ads were for director-level positions.


View June media jobs HERE  and track July media jobs in real time HERE

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