Mamamia rolls out proprietary content planning tool

By AdNews | 17 September 2024

Mamamia has announced The Daily Dial, a proprietary content planning tool for advertisers that adds to the data and insights product suite known as Mamamia DNA.

The Daily Dial, commissioned by Mamamia alongside innovation partner Today and announced at the media company’s Upfronts event, is the result of months of qualitative research involving one-on-one conversations with women of all ages correlating with the publisher’s  own dark social insights and extensive quantitative data.

The Daily Dial will be available exclusively to Mamamia clients and agencies as part of the Mamamia DNA insights suite.

Mamamia head of strategy Danni Wright said Mamamia doesn’t just talk to women, it listens to them.

“We are often told we are the best in market at understanding Australian women and now, we’re allowing brands to harness that knowledge for themselves by providing them with actionable insights to help them connect in the most effective way,” she said.

The Daily Dial is our gamechanger. It’s what sets us apart from every other publisher in Australia. We know that brands are looking for more than just reach and context and now The Daily Dial can help deliver more engagement and relevance than ever before.”

Also included within Mamamia DNA is the annual State Of Women report that provides advertisers with a heads-up on what Australian women are thinking right now and their new content consumption habits in 2025.

Mamamia DNA, including The Daily Dial, and State Of Women report is available for brands from September 17.

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