James Warburton gets share options as he joins board of photo sharing app Tinybeans

By AdNews | 8 July 2024
James Warburton.

James Warburton, the former CEO of Seven West Media, has joined the board of directors of photo sharing app Tinybeans.

The ASX-listed company, with a current market capitalisation of $13.6 million, describes itself as a consumer subscription platform serving millions of Millennial and Gen Z parents and their families.

“I’m excited about the opportunity for Tinybeans," Warburton said.

"It is a business that has incredible potential to grow and scale given the issues of privacy that will continue to be at the forefront of people’s minds."

Warburton has been granted 10 million options inTinybeans, giving him the right to to subscribe for ordinary shares at various prices ($0.095 and $0.15) over the next 18 months. 

The company's shares last traded at $0.095, down on the 12 month high of $0.22.

Tinybeans chair Chantale Millard said Warburton has impressive experience, leadership and knowledge within the broader media and advertising landscape.

"James’ appointment is an incredibly strong endorsement of the Tinybeans business and its commercial potential," Millard said.

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