IT journo and PR queen launch blogger rankings for brands

By AdNews | 18 August 2014
Catablog founders Trevor Long, Janyne Moore and Prue McSween

PR queen and TV personality Prue McSween has teamed with IT commentator and founder of men's website EFTM Trevor Long to launch a blogger directory and ranking service connecting brands with influential bloggers.

The pair are being joined in the new venture, Catablog, by radio producer Janyne Moore with the service ranking bloggers on a range of metrics to highlight the most influential in a range of sectors.

The company has developed its own in-house measurement software to rank bloggers, who will be able to register to be included in the rankings for free.

PR agencies, marketers and brands will then be able to access the rankings through subscription.

“The sole purpose of Catablog is to become the most detailed database of bloggers in the country,” Mr Long said.

“Catablog brings thousands of blogs together, listed by category and ranked in real-time every day, based on social audiences and reach.

“This directory links together the best, the niche, the popular and the unique content on the internet with the PR companies and ad agencies behind some of the many brands looking to get in touch with those very same bloggers.”

The service already has nearly 2000 qualified blogs registered across a wide range of subjects which have been compiled over more than a year.

“Janyne created an initial directory of bloggers manually over 12-plus months then we opened it for blogger registration,” Long said.

“The site then does an API call to the various social networks each day to update the data and our scores and creates the rankings using our algorithm. We developed the whole thing working with a local Sydney web development team .

Long is the founder of men's blog Everything For The Man as well as being an IT broadcaster, while McSween is a director of PR company Verve Communications and Moore is a highly regarded journalist and radio producer.

Bloggers can register at:

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