Instagram expands option to hide like count to all users

Mariam Cheik-Hussein
By Mariam Cheik-Hussein | 27 May 2021

Instagram is giving users around the world the option to hide like counts after months of testing.

The Facebook-owned app has been testing the feature in a number of markets, including Australia, since 2019 and says it’s received mixed reactions.

“We learned that hiding like counts is beneficial for some, but others enjoy seeing like counts to understand what’s popular or trending,” says Facebook AUNZ head of policy Mia Garlick.

“It’s important that people feel good about the time they spend on our apps, and these new controls allow them to create a more personalized and positive experience.”

As part of the changes all users, including business and creator accounts, will be able to turn off like counts for posts they see in their feeds, or their own posts. Users will also turn off lies after a post is published.

Advertising on Instagram will have like counts hidden if a user has opted to turn them off.

Industry experts, including many influencers, welcomed the move from Instagram to test the hiding of likes at the time, with many saying it would improve mental wellbeing for users across the app.

“User experience is hugely important for social platforms; and if happier people are more receptive to advertising, then an improvement for users also results in improved ad efficiency, and ultimately results in increased ad spends,” Filip Sarna, Publicis Media social director, told AdNews.

“So in that sense, for Instagram, users, and brands, it’s a win-win-win.”

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