Industry Profile: Skyfii CEO Wayne Arthur

Pippa Chambers
By Pippa Chambers | 27 January 2016

Our weekly Industry Insights Profile takes a look at some of the professionals working across the advertising, ad tech, marketing and media sector in Australia. It aims to shed light on the varying roles and companies across the buzzing industry.

This week we head to Sydney to speak to Wayne Arthur, chief executive officer at Skyfii.

Duration in current role/time at the company:

Three years.

How would you describe what the company does?

Skyfii is a software technology company providing analytics and data-driven marketing products for brick and mortar businesses to help improve customer experience and drive sales.

Our proprietary technology platform collects customer behavioural and intent data, both online and within physical environments and provides a dashboard to visualise and action this data through various content delivery channels.

What does your role involve?

As a publicly listed company, my CEO role is largely focused on investor relations, roadshows and presentations whilst still being very operational and involved in managing and growing the business locally and internationally.

Within the last six months/year, what stands out as the company’s major milestones?

· Significant quarter on quarter revenue growth consistently for the past 12 months and on an upward trajectory on forecast for the next 12 months.

· Growth of our Brazil-based business within the retail mall category.

· Launch of the business into the UK market.

· Re-positioning of the company brand.

Best thing about the industry you work in:

Innovative, frontier and we are constantly breaking new ground. It also has significant growth potential globally.

Previous industry related (ad land/ad tech) companies you have worked at:

EYE Corp, JCDecaux, Titan Media Group.

Career-wise, where do you see yourself in three years' time?

Hopefully I am still running a successful company at Skyfii and we have become a truly global data business, headquartered in the US market.

Tell us one thing people at work don’t know about you?

Despite his poor public image I am actually quite a big fan of Justin Bieber's music.

Top networking tip:

Always display humility.

My favourite restaurant for a business lunch is:

The Chop House.

My favourite advert is:

Anything delivered by Nando’s – they always seem to push the envelope but hit the mark.

My must-have gadget is:

Not a massive gadgets man but my CBD parking gate remote is a must-have otherwise its an expensive day!

My favourite media is:

Mobile …. I spend my day on it!

My favourite TV show is:

Tough choice between Suits and Homeland.

The last book I read:


My mantra / philosophy is:

Live life well, extract as much out of your day as you can because once it's gone, it's gone.

I got into advertising/ad tech/marketing etc because:

I enjoy people and being social – advertising and tech is creative, innovative and certainly on the sell side is very social. I’ve met some great people who are now great friends.

If I wasn't doing this for a living I'd be:

An outdoor adventurer.

In five years' time I'll be:

Hopefully still running a successful business at Skyfii, otherwise planning the next venture!

Define your job in one word:


What's your poison:


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