Industry Profile: Krista Walton at oOh!media

By AdNews | 15 October 2024

In this series, AdNews takes a look at some of the professionals working across the advertising, adtech, marketing and media sector in Australia. This time it's oOh!media group business director Krista Walton

Time in current role/time at the company: 

Five years at oOh!, but also five years at Adshel

How would you describe what the company does? 

oOh! provides powerfully scaled out of home media solutions to drive strong outcomes for our customers.

What do you do day-to-day? 

My days are highly varied, which is what keeps me engaged and motivated in this constantly evolving and innovative sector. Primarily, when I'm not deeply involved in addressing client challenges and developing solutions, I'm focused on collaborating with my team and coaching them toward peak performance.

Define your job in one word: 


I got into the media industry because: 

I’m obsessed with human connections - whether it’s through storytelling, amazing creative or understanding how to communicate with different people and audiences at scale.

What’s the biggest challenge you face in your role? 

Working for a large organisation with ambitious goals presents countless opportunities, and there’s so much I want to achieve. However, with limited hours in the day, balancing immediate priorities with long-term objectives while focusing on initiatives that will drive the greatest impact remains a significant challenge.

What’s the biggest industry-wide challenge you’d like to see tackled? 

Close to my heart is the big issue of diversity. I’m proud of oOh!‘s gender diversity accomplishments and our partnership with The Village that is supporting parents in the workplace, but I would say the media industry has a way to go in terms of cultural diversity. It's a complex issue, but the main way we can break down the barriers is to use our platforms to raise awareness and celebrate diversity.

What are you most excited about in the next 12 months? 

Our street furniture network will always be my favourite child in the OOH stable. Having just rolled out our new Woollahra network this year, I’m so excited to see oOh! expand to Waverley Council and Northern Beaches in 2025.

Who has been a great mentor to you and why? 

Bel Harper has been an exceptional mentor to me at oOh! We share a deep curiosity and enthusiasm for understanding our clients’ challenges and developing innovative solutions to address them. Bel is not only a passionate advocate for the Out of Home (OOH) industry but also a strong champion for women in the workplace. Her courage and conviction in standing up for what she believes in is truly inspiring. Among some of the female leaders within the business, we often ask ourselves, 'What would Bel Harper do?' when navigating challenges, and it consistently guides us toward the best solutions.

Words of advice for someone wanting a job like yours? 

Stay curious, be tenacious, and approach every interaction—whether with a team member or a customer—with deliberate intent to add value to the encounter.

If I wasn't doing this for a living, I'd be: 

A detective. Olivia Benson from Law & Order had my dream job! However, I do get to apply some of these skills in my role as I often need to speak to a handful of different specialists to get a full view of a customer and what are the key issues and success measures that really matter.

My mantra is: 

Though originally inspired by Barack Obama's mantra, I heard it a few years ago and have since adopted it as a guiding principle: 'Be kind and be useful.' It’s a simple yet powerful reminder that influences how I approach both personal and professional interactions.

My favourite advert is (and why): 

Can I say two? As a proud Australian I can never watch the 'I still call Australia Home' ad by Qantas without feeling emotional but in the same vein my favourite OOH campaign would have to be the NRMA First Nations campaign that has been running for several years now across our regional billboards. I love what this campaign does to connect drivers to the land and contribute to a proud and shared national identity.

Music and TV streaming habits:

While the 'Cozy Livs' squeeze might have forced some families to trim their media subscriptions, we’ve taken a different approach—we’d rather scrimp on anything else! We have them all. I like to keep it very real with my podcast choices and gravitate towards series, like The Imperfects or No Filter with Mia Freedman. And then on the inverse, I cherish that sacred hour in the evening to escape into a world of British crime shows. I’m currently hooked on Slow Horses on Apple.

Tell us one thing people at work don’t know about you? 

I'm generally an open book—no mysterious aura here! But there is one tiny secret that I keep tucked away. Despite my undying Australian pride, there’s one adorable little native critter that strikes fear into my very soul. Yep, possums. I have an irrational, bone-deep fear of those fluffy terror-machines. If there's one in my backyard? Forget it—I’m indoors, barricading myself like it's an apocalypse. One time, I locked myself in the bathroom until my husband came home, all because one daring possum snuck inside. Real Aussie grit, right!

In five years’ time I'll be:

Doing what I love - connecting with people in the industry to do great work together (whatever that looks like) and being the best mum, wife, daughter, sister, and friend I can be. There are so many roles in our business that didn’t exist five years ago, so I like to stay open minded and stay grounded in what makes me happy and not get too caught up in titles or status. 

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