Industry Profile: Ben Baker at Vistar Media

By AdNews | 2 July 2024

In this series, AdNews takes a look at some of the professionals working across the advertising, adtech, marketing and media sector in Australia. This time it's Vistar Media managing director APAC Ben Baker.

Time in current role: 

Five and a half years.

How would you describe what the company does?  

Vistar Media connects marketers, out of home
media owners, and audiences like never before. That's marketing talk for we are the world's largest programmatic digital out of home business. 

What do you do day to day?  

Lead the JAPAC Vistar operation. Growing OOH revenue by simultaneously driving positive outcomes for brands, media owners and agencies alike.

Define your job in one word: 


I got into the industry because: 

I was selling energy B2B and occasionally walked into businesses that were having a tonne of fun and producing good energy. Each time I asked what they did the answer was always advertising.

What’s the biggest challenge you face in your role? 

Managing timezones.

Who has been a great mentor to you and why? 

Broad church I draw upon...I just love business books, 7 Habits, Good to Great, extreme ownership, John Wooden etc.. Though if I am ever feeling like it’s all a bit tough I draw on my inner Goggins (Can't hurt me) and just “get after it”.

Words of advice for someone wanting a job like yours? 

(i) Do hard stuff, do the 1%’ers and put yourself in uncomfortable situations…that's where you will find room to grow. 

(ii) Get really good at corporate communication. Selling up, not sucking up...clearly articulate the challenge/opportunity, situational analysis and your solution/recommendation. 

(iii) Take extreme ownership of the outcome. 

(iv) Lastly, have fun and be kind…life’s short.

If I wasn’t doing this for a living, I'd be: 

Selling something else.

My philosophy is: 

Let's go! And only move forward like the emu and kangaroo on the Australian coat of arms.

My favourite advert is: 

The recent Guinness campaign.

Music and TV streaming habits. What do you subscribe to? 

All of them…tax deductible.

Tell us one thing people at work don’t know about you? 

As a good Tamworth/Wallabadah boy I was once a world record holder for the largest synchronised line dance at the Tamworth Country Music Festival. 

In five years time I'll be: 

Selling rectangles somewhere.

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