Independent senato for Tasmania Jackie Lambie has launched a commercial aimed at gathering enough votes to add a like-minded colleague to the Senate.
Politics without the politicians, introduces Tammy Tyrrell as the second Jackie Lambie candidate:
"If the Jacqui Lambie Network (JLN) is able to pick up one more Senator, we can have the balance of power on every bit of legislation that comes our way.
"It's a huge opportunity to deliver good things for people who need a bit of help, and keep the major parties in line. We can force change, but only if we elect one more JLN Senator."
The two major parties are running with YouTube shorts.
The Labor Party has: "Scott Morrison's realised that if he wants a handshake he's gonna have to design a robot to do it."
The Liberal Party: "It won't be easy under Albanese." And grabs a clip of TV's Judge Judy -- "you're not going to get away with this sort of nonsense" -- and then Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese talking about the costings of promises.
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