Diversity and inclusion survey launches

Mariam Cheik-Hussein
By Mariam Cheik-Hussein | 25 May 2021

Scanlon Foundation, a foundation focused on fostering social cohesion in Australia, has launched a survey to better understand diversity and inclusion across the marketing and communication sector.

The survey, which is open to all communications, marketing, advertising, and PR agency staff, aims to capture views and map perceptions and practices around cultural inclusion, diversity, and representation across Australia‘s communications agencies.

“As agencies are responsible for crafting stories, selecting talent and shaping public discourse, they play a key role in shifting the needle on representation,” says Dr Marianne D. Sison, Honorary University Fellow at RMIT University, who is delivering the project.

“The Media Diversity Australia Report recently highlighted the lack of diversity in Australian news and media. It is time to look beyond the media and find out how Australian communication agencies stack up in terms of cultural diversity.”

All survey responses will be anonymous, and the results will be shared with the industry to support consideration and adoption of effective diversity and inclusion strategies, practices, and activities.

“One in two Australians were either born overseas, or have at least one parent who was. We’re a diverse country and engaging every member of our communities in public conversations has clear benefits,” says Scanlon Foundation CEO Anthea Hancocks.

“There is a wealth of opportunity for agencies, and the clients they work for, to leverage the cultural richness of Australia’s population. Seeking input from agencies through this survey will be an important first step in identifying where we are, and where we could be.”

You can take the survey, which closes June 6, here.

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