Digital News Report: Australia 2024 - At a glance

By AdNews | 17 June 2024
Getty / Thinkstock

Australians are less comfortable with AI-generated news than the rest of the world.

One quarter of Australians now rely on social media as their main source of news; concern about misinformation has skyrocketed.

The gap in news interest between Gen Z women and men continues to widen.

The proportion of Australians paying for news remains steady despite cost-of-living pressures.

These are some of the key findings from Digital News Report (DNR): Australia 2024, released today by the University of Canberra’s News and Media Research Centre (N&MRC).

Key findings:

  • Mainstream news is the most popular news source on Facebook (56%), YouTube (48%) and Instagram (46%).
  • The use of mainstream news on X (formerly Twitter) has fallen to 49% (-13 percentage points), and news from ordinary people has risen (47%, +10pp).
  • Podcast use among Gen Z women has increased to 61% (+14pp) since 2022.
  • Facebook (32%), YouTube (26%) and Instagram (16%) are the top social media platforms for news among Australians.
  • TV has fallen as a main source of news (3%, -4pp) while social media has gone up (25%, +3pp).


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