Commercial radio listenership - Survey 4 2024

By AdNews | 10 July 2024

Australian commercial radio continues to experience year-on-year (YOY) growth, with 12.4 million listeners tuning in for an average of 12 hours and 47 minutes each week, according to GfK Survey 4 2024.

The increase of 168,000 listeners in commercial radio's total audience revealed that the 25-54 age group showed a 2.9% rise YOY, reaching 6.1 million.

Breakfast saw a 3.4% increase, adding 290,000 listeners year-on-year, bringing the total to 8.9 million listeners. Meanwhile, in-car listeners grew by 5.1% year-on-year, reaching 10.2 million listeners. Over 82% of radio listeners tune in while driving, accounting for 34.9% of all commercial radio listening.

Streaming also continues to grow, with over a quarter (27.8%) of commercial radio’s audience opting to listen in this way. The survey shows an extra 147,000 listeners survey on survey embracing commercial radio streaming, totalling 3.4 million.

All demographics saw an increase in streaming audiences survey on survey, with a 9.6% increase among listeners aged 40-54, and a nearly 6% increase in those aged 25-54.

Across the workday, streaming saw a 5% increase, with mornings and afternoons experiencing jumps of 5% and 6.5%, versus the previous survey.

Listeners to Commercial DAB+ only stations also showed increased engagement, with Time Spent Listening (TSL) extending to 6 hours and 8 minutes. Mornings have experienced a significant lift, with nearly 7% more listeners and TSL extending by 13 minutes year-on-year.

Commercial Radio & Audio (CRA) chief commercial officer, Jo Dick, said as digital platforms evolve, so does radio's ability to reach audiences.

"Whether through streaming or traditional broadcasts, radio's adaptability meets diverse listener needs," she said.

“The surge in streaming reflects a broader shift in consumer behaviour towards digital platforms. Commercial radio's ability to innovate in this space underscores its enduring relevance."

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