Ben Shepherd's Signal - Foxtel's measurement ambition

By AdNews | 30 October 2023
Ben Shepherd.

Ben Shepherd, in his newsletter Signal, looks at Foxtel's statement on the future of TV measurement plus Google and Meta's September quarter revenue numbers.

What’s new: 

Foxtel announced a partnership with US technology provider Videoamp at their Upfronts on Thursday which demonstrated their appetite to move beyond incumbent Australian measurement systems and look elsewhere to reimagine how video advertising can be measured and analysed. Videoamp has built a measurement and insights platform which provides cross screen consolidated measurement of delivery as well as ad activity and works with multiple businesses in the US including dentsu (where I work too)

Why it matters: 

The local TV and video industry would admit it is playing catch up on how screen agnostic video content and advertising is measured and analysed. Meanwhile, the issue becomes a larger and larger one as audiences continue to embrace streaming platforms both free and paid, and advertising dollars into digital video continue to increase. The delays over the last 5-7 years demonstrate that solution by committee is perhaps not the best approach to produce a tangible outcome and product that can deliver what marketers need here, and Foxtel looking outside of the incumbent provider is the most assertive demonstration of this. The greater opportunity here is not to get cross screen video measurement to the same level as how TV has been historically measured, it is to create a world where video-based content and advertising is in a position to harness the immense opportunity that exists to create deep and meaningful insights on consumption, effectiveness, granular delivery and connect this to sales and revenue for marketers.

Marketer implication?

My view is the Videoamp move from Foxtel isn’t about creating a currency nor as narrow as just providing assurance on delivery. It’s much more ambitious than this. I don’t believe Foxtel have invested resource in this partnership just to able to tell you that the audience you were promised on AFL Super Saturday delivered (although that is a good thing to know), it’s much more profound. Foxtel (and I would say all video providers and networks) would harbour the ambition that they want video to have the best analytics, insights, measurement and connection to effectiveness of any media.

The full SIGNAL newsletter is HERE

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