Australians among most intolerant to brand blasting

By AdNews | 24 June 2015

Traditional mass marketing seems to be falling on deaf ears, with Australian consumers among the most intolerant to brand blasting, according to a global survey by Marketo.

The poll showed that 23% of Australians say they see brand advertising too frequently, with 45% asking brands to “show ads to me less often”.

The research also found that a mass marketing approach was unappealing to consumers, with a quarter of respondents noting they wanted content more relevant to them, and for advertisers to pay attention to where they prefer to see ads.

Marketo chief marketing officer Sanjay Dholakia said that a further 14% suggested advertisers relate content back to how the consumer has interacted with them.

“It's expected that consumers would rather not see ads, but it's encouraging that more than half didn't choose the 'less ads' response,” Dholakia said.

“This demonstrates how people expect advertising, but have grown tired of the one-size-fits-all approach. Advertisers have to engage more on a one-to-one basis.”

In addition, Australian respondents were found to have a dislike for push ads in mobile apps, with 31% of respondents saying this type of advertising irritated them the most compared to 18% of German respondents and 27% of US.

However, 49% of Australians said that visiting websites is the most likely way they would engage with brands, following 23% which said social media, and 21% which noted email newsletters.

“Research like this shows consumers are savvier than many give them credit for,” Dholakia said.

“They understand the concept of personalised messaging. Many, it seems, are annoyed that they are not seeing more of it.”

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