Advertising Educators Awards end 50 year celebration

By AdNews | 10 December 2024

The celebration of 50 years of Advertising Education has rewarded the achievements of Australian advertising graduates, acknowledged the creativity of our advertising students and profiled the state of the advertising industry in a White Paper.

But in its final competition, the focus was on the academics and their innovation and inspiration.

For the first time , the contribution of Australian Advertising Academics was acknowledged in a national competition. Advertising academics working in Australia were invited to submit an application in one of five categories, from emerging educators to mid-level educators and researchers to those with more than 20 years’ experience. These profile all areas of academic service including teaching, research and engagement.

The competition was led by Associate Professor David Waller from UTS.

“It has been a great experience to be involved with '50 years of Advertising Education', as it has seen advertising educators across various universities become closer and prouder of their work, as well as their colleagues," he said. 

The judging panel also included leading international advertising educators, such as UK Professor Philip Kitchen, Rennes School of Business and US Professor Anna McAlister, Endicott College Massachusetts.

The Advertising Educator Award winners:

  • Andrew McCowan, UTS - Emerging Advertising Academic Award
  • Fiona Finn - Excellence in Advertising Education
  • Shasha Wang, QUT - Excellence in Advertising Research
  • Gayle Kerr, QUT - Outstanding Contribution to Advertising Education
  • Michael Ewing, Southern Cross University - Outstanding Contribution to Advertising Research

A leader in Australian advertising education for almost 30 years, Michael Ewing summed up the honour of the award: “I was deeply touched to receive such significant recognition for my work, which has always been a labour of love. Australian academia has been very good to me over the past three decades - and I have tried to give back to the extent that I am capable. I would like to thank my mentors, co-authors and HDR students for allowing me to have such a rewarding career.”


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