AdNews LIVE - If you want consumers to opt-in, create brands that are loved

Mariam Cheik-Hussein
By Mariam Cheik-Hussein | 28 May 2021

Marketers need to create brands that are loved if they want consumers to hand over their data in a privacy-focused future, says L’Oreal chief marketing officer Matthijs van der Putten.

Updates coming to Apple and Google mean that consumers will have to give permission before their online behaviour can be tracked, meaning brands’ direct relationship with their customers will become even more important.

Speaking at AdNews’ 2022: Life after cookies, van der Putten says that brands need to prove there’s a real value exchange for consumers when they give access to their data.

“You need to create a brand that is loved,” van der Putten said.

“I opt-in when it is for a brand that I love. For Adidas, I’ve opted-in because I love it.”

Van der Putten added that loyalty programs also shouldn’t be used to throw discounts at consumers but to genuinely improve their experience with brands.

"Let's not make it another channel to annoy consumers or let’s not make it another channel to give an extra discount eroding our profit margins,” he said.

“We have to provide the consumer experience because that is ultimately what makes people come back, especially in our scenario where we have multiple retailers selling our products, including ourselves.

"Loyalty needs to be a gel that really entices consumers to come to us.”

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