kicks off sales job with new hire

James McGrath
By James McGrath | 6 February 2015 is about to start its push of its programmatic TV buying platform into the wider marketplace, hiring a senior director of programmatic TV to help with the pitch.

It has hired Yasmin Sanders to the role, coming from Network Ten where she had seven years of experience. Crucially, she's also had experience with Multi Channel Network.

At Ten, she headed up the sales and operations team.

“It was essential for the success of programmatic TV to attract someone with a strong heritage in TV systems, understanding the nuances of the industry, whilst also being curious around the technology. In Yasmin we found it all,”'s Australian MD Mitch Waters said.

Sanders' job will be two-fold: She will work with MCN on the Australian industry's first integrated programmatic private marketplace for TV, something which it unveiled last year.

Secondly, she'll be hoping to instigate conversations with other networks about possibly jumping onto the bandwagon.

“The traditional supplier relationship is constantly evolving, bringing more complexities and opportunities. Technology is taking us into new territory – we are at the precipice of the programmatic TV revolution – and we need to share the journey,” Waters said.

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