Whenever a brand appoints Naked, the question that often gets asked is, ‘What for?’ It’s not an unreasonable question – what does Naked actually do? Once known mainly for media strategy, the answer now seems to be a little bit of just about everything. Fingers, toes, pies.
Naked’s phone has apparently been ringing off the hook and the agency seems to have a knack for headline-grabbing campaigns. New business has poured in, including ARN, Unilever and Adidas.
The closure of the New Zealand arm in March, which the agency said was necessary to better service its local business, was the only real blip. Parent company Enero reported an earnings slump for the December half due in part to Naked struggling in depressed European markets and other “non-core” offices. We still don’t know how profitable Naked is in Australia, but it looks shiny.
Sourced from AdNews Agency Report Card, May 31 2013 edition.
2013 saw the departure of Adam Ferrier and the appointment of Carl Ratcliff as CEO in September 2013. Since then, Naked has picked up several new business wins including Hallmark Cards Australia, Red Rooster and Taubmans Paint.
Enero also announced in September that it's Melbourne BMF office would be folded into Naked's Melbourne office, with the agency to be led by Naked Melbourne’s managing director Tom Ward.